Canine obesity is a problem that normally develops later in life but is almost always a result of habits you or your pet develop in diet and exercise early. The Southlake TX veterinarians at Colleyville Animal Clinic can help you develop healthy habits for your dog through regular checkups, diet, and exercise routines.
Advice from the Southlake vet, Colleyville Animal Clinic, should be sought before you make changes to your pet’s diet and exercise habits regardless of your dog’s current weight and health. Crash diets and excessive exercise are unsafe ways to help your pet lose weight. Slow and consistent methods are recommended along with lower-calorie food.
Taking care of your pet is of great importance to Colleyville Animal Clinic and the professional veterinarians serving the Southlake and surrounding cities are here to help your pet lose weight and promote better health. Call 817-577-3909 or visit your Southlake animal care facility online to schedule a regular checkup or to talk about helping your pet combat obesity.
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